A washi tape how-to

Don’t hide your scarves and neck ties away in your top drawer, they’re pretty and they deserve to be seen. Now thanks to the wonder that is washi tape and your trusty friend the toilet roll, you can display them in a fun and funky way that will show everyone just how much style you have (and how you’re being green by upcycling a bit of rubbish. It’s a win-win!).

How to: Make a washi tape scarf holder


– 2 empty toilet rolls (if you want fancy ones with pink inside like mine, invest in some limited-edition Andrex. Wowzers!)

– 3 rolls of washi tape

– 1 coat hanger


– Divide your toilet rolls into thirds and cut up

– Cut each third so the cardboard is in 1 open piece

– Washi tape your coat hanger

– Washi tape your cardboard bits and then loop them over the coat hanger, taping the incision you made closed so they stay put

– Hang up your scarves and sit back to admire your handiwork. Alakazam!

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