Nail art, journalism style

News flash, people. When it comes to your fingernails, marbling’s out and newspaper print is in – which journalists, authors and any other wordsmiths out there will be overjoyed to hear. It’s quick, easy and fun, so you’ll definitely be rocking this look more often than not.

How to: Get front-page fingernails


– Grey varnish (I used 17’s Chaperone at £2.99.  You can use white but I always think my nails look like I’ve Tipp-exed them when I do)

– Rubbing alcohol (vodka or white rum can be used as a substitute and I’ve heard tell water works as well)

– Newspaper


– Paint your nails grey

– Once dry, dunk in your vodka/rum/rubbing alcohol for 5 seconds

– Wrap your nail in newspaper and press down hard

– Once all nails are done, topcoat them carefully

– Wash your hands to get the print off your fingers and bish, bash, bosh – stop-the-presses fingernails!

Hot tips: The harder you press down, the darker and clearer your font will appear. Headlines look particularly effective!

Tried this before? Let’s have a look at your newsworthy nails.

7 Responses to “Nail art, journalism style”
  1. pearlessence says:

    This is so creative! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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  1. […] 1. Be front-page news with this journalism-style nail art how-to. […]

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